First, I must throw a few countermeasures out there, as to not waste my time with stupid, thoughtless responses such as "Well, you Republicans are {insert trait of their psychological projection here}, too!":
- I hold no allegiance to the cowardly Repubican Party (misspelling INTENTIONAL), led by the sissies named John "Boo Hoo" Boehner, John "Loser" McCain, Lindsey "Goober" Graham, and Eric Cantor.
- I do not watch FoxNews, nor will I cite, nor have I *EVER* cited them as a source (a strategy used strictly as an anti-lib-projection countermeasure), with the exception of one video where Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd, Democrat, is being interviewed, and is solely of the Senator speaking, with no commentary from FoxNews staff. Technically speaking, Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd is the source himself.
- I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, et al, on the radio (I don't have the time), nor do I ever cite them as a source.
- Unlike most intellectually lazy, far-left, kook-fringe, radical extremists, I don't rely on to do my research for me, so if you are going to offer rebuttal, don't insult yourself by replying with any link to the site, nor the sites of,,,, etc.
- I don't approve of the way George W. Bush ran his Presidency.
There has been an internet meme going around lately that is a full-frontal display of the hypocrisy of the filthy, extremist far-left. Again, you will not find a GOP-defender here, only one who is more than delighted to put on display the hypocrisy of the filthy far-left, extremist DNC types. Here it is:
Let's analyze this, one by one, shall we? (T/B, L/R)
- More Dems watch FoxNews than they do any other news network. Just ask Joe Trippi, 2004 Presidential Campaign Manager of Howard "eeeeeeeeeeYYYYYYAAAAAHHHHH" Dean (D-VT), who said so. This makes complete sense, because CNN, CNBC, HSN, and MS-LSD get their ratings clocks cleaned on a daily basis.
- Most of the filthy liberal establishment that moan, whine, and cry about FoxNews admit that they never watch it, so how can they formulate an opinion on it unless someone else is spoon-feeding assessments to them? Those far-left liberals that claim they DO watch it, in almost every occasion, fail to articulate exactly what they have seen, and what systemic fallacy(ies) of FoxNews with which they have a problem. On those rare occasions that a far-left liberal activist *is* able to articulate a specific problem with a specific systemic fallacy, in nearly 100% of those occurrences, it is the result of viewing some sort of anecdotal YouTube clip posted (and in most cases, edited) by some stupid "progressive", partisan, left-wing extremist, hack nitwit.
- FoxNews employs/has employed as PAID contributors, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Tamara Holder, Joe Trippi, Pat Caddell, Alan Colmes, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Kirsten Powers, former Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich, Jehmu Greene, Santita Jackson (daughter of Jesse Jackson), Sally Kohn, Terry McAuliff, the late former Democrat Vice Presidential Nominee Geraldine Ferraro, Shepard Smith, Mara Liasson, Susan Estrich, Geraldo Rivera (I am not sure anyone in their right mind buys his claim that he's a Republican), Eleanor Clift, former Democrat Presidential candidate Wesley Clark, Prof. Marc Lamont Hill, Leslie Marshall, and on and on and on ...
- Ashley Brewer offers a summation: "FOX News tends to point out short-comings in the liberal agenda more often then not, however this is because liberals cause the most problems. Simple answer is simple... They're not conservative, they just don't filter their stories or balance their attention like other news groups do and so the majority of the stories will naturally sound anti-liberal to the tender ear."
- How many paid conservative contributors are on MS-NBC? Sorry, Joe Schmoe the Spineless Coward RINO Scarborough and that lemmingsidekick of his, Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of the former disaster of a National Security Adviser to Pres. Jimmy Carter (you remember, that Foreign Policy genius?) do not count, as I said "conservative", of which he clearly does not qualify.

- If you want to talk about Big Oil, to whom did the "Big Oil" company you extremists love to hate, BP, contribute the most since 1992? Your beloved God-man, Obama.
- If you want to talk about Big Oil, talk about former Democratic Presidential loser, Al "I'll-just-sell-my-TV-network-to-the-biggest-oil-whores-on-the-planet,-Al-Jazeera" Gore.
- If you want to talk about Big Oil, talk about the same loser, Al Gore, and his historical relationship with Occidental Petroleum.

- Who are the three richest people in the United States?
- What are their political leanings?
- I would like to take this opportunity to just state how laughable it is when the far-left liberal extremist activists repeat the "millionaires and billionaires" mantra, when the top 3 are swept by DNC-lovers.

- Obamacare
- I am poor. I am at work for well more than 40 hours a week. I bring home, after deductions (mostly government-mandated), approx $150-$200 per week. My medical bills from 1990-2012, in the aggregate, was approximately $1,500. Average that out across 23 years, that's $65 per year.
- As of 2014, I will be required to either A) Purchase insurance (minimum coverage, still approx. $4,000 per year, or, a 6,000% increase) *OR* B) get a TAX (apparently "Healthcare costs" now mean "taxes", says SCOTUS) of at least $600 (800% increase) in 2014 year for having no coverage (double that in 2015), enforced by the IRS (not to mention how much the far-left, radical, kook-fringe DNC leadership and the IRS are in bed together)
- 6,000% increase, or 800% increase, I'm "poor" as defined by the looney, extremist, far-left. People who are on food assistance net more than I do on an annual basis, and I'm being taxed. I'm not complaining, just being observant.
- Hugo Black - Racist Supreme Court Justice - Democrat
- Pres. Woodrow Wilson - Racist, Segregationist - Democrat
- Sen. Robert Byrd - Former Senate Majority Leader and former Ku-Klux-Klan wizard, hater of blacks as demonstrated in this video or in this book or here - Democrat
- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt - Race Experiments Extraordinaire - Democrat
- Sen. John F. Kennedy - Opposed the 1957 Civil Rights Act legislation that made it easier for black people to vote. JFK made promises with regard to civil rights during the 1960 Presidential campaign strictly out of political expedience. This is proven by his lack of any subsequent action whatsoever in the advancement of civil rights. You know who else voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act?
- Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson - read the quote for yourself about who he will have voting for Democrats for the next 200 years, or his racist rant quoted here. - Democrat
- Your Vice President, Joe Biden - racist and bigoted - Democrat
- Sen. Fritz Hollings - “You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." - Democrat
- Spike Lee - “A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom.” referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. - Democrat
- Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton - "You f*cking Jew b@stard" and hates Indians, apparently, as shown here - Democrat who pathetically changes her vocal cadence in front of black audiences.
- State Sen. Bill McKinney - “Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”, explaining why his daughter, Cynthia, lost in 2002 - Democrat
- Mary Francis Berry, Chair, US Comm. on Civil Rights - “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” - Democrat