In the far-left, extremist liberal blogosphere, a common accusation runs rampant that Republicans are all somehow inherently sexual predators, and that Republicans who haven't been convicted of being one either just hid it too well or haven't been caught.
What, pray tell, are some of things that are routinely said?

Well, I'm not going to waste more than 3.2 seconds it takes to find what these filthy, Democrat hypocrites are saying, but it did only took me 0.2 seconds to discover what
this total dirtbag, filthy, liberal hypocrite piece of garbage says, and I quote, "Big suprise, another Republican pedophile. Nothing new, they are a dime a dozen.
Best just to assume that a Republican or right winger is a pedophile and keep them away from your kids. Be on the safe side." in response to a Huffington Compost article about Robert Bauman (R-MD), who solicited prostitution from a male prostitute who was 16 years old.
It's just another case of psychological projection of the far-left's own shortcomings onto others, so as to not feel so bad about or detract from the fact that they themselves are guilty of no self-control when it comes to engaging in sexual battery on others, and perhaps much more often than Republicans. These intellectually inept lemmings have most likely suffered from avoidant personality disorder
since their days in middle school when they got picked on by everyone.
Standard anti-batcrap-crazy-far-left-DNC-playbook-accusation-nullification disclaimers:
1. I don't care about the Repubican Party (misspelling intentional), and I can't stand their leadership.
2. I don't watch FoxNews, nor do I ever use them as a source.
3. I don't listen to Limbaugh or Hannity on the radio, nor do I ever use them as a source.
For every one sick, out-of-control Republican (RINO, in almost every case) that commits or has been accused of committing a sex crime that the filthy far-left like to throw out there, I can throw out two filthy Democrats that have destroyed someone's life by rape, molestation, harassment, and yes, even murder/manslaughter. There isn't enough room on the internet to highlight all of the cases of sexual battery committed by a Democrat, but these are just a few that took about five minutes of research and backup sourcing to glean:
- This filthy Democrat activist, pederast, pedophile likes to take pics of NAKED LITTLE BOYS IN PUBLIC BATHROOM STALLS.
- San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, filthy Democrat - PERVERT, SEXUAL HARASSER, SEXUAL BATTERER
- NM Political Consultant, filthy Democrat - CHILD PORN LOVER
- MA Sen. Ted Kennedy, filthy Democrat - MANSLAUGHTER/MURDER - Mary Jo Kopechne
- AR Gov. Bill Clinton, filthy Democrat - RAPIST, SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER - Juanita Broaddrick, among many others.
- NY Rep. Anthony Wiener, filthy Democrat - PERVERT, SERIAL LIAR
- William Kennedy Smith, filthy Democrat - RAPIST
- HI Sen. Daniel Inouye, filthy Democrat - RAPIST, SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER
- IL Rep. Gus Savage, filthy Democrat - MOLESTER
- NY Fred Richmond - filthy Democrat - PEDERAST CHILD MOLESTER, although he was only caught attempting to molest a minor boy.
- IL Rep. Mel Reynolds, filthy Democrat - CHILD RAPIST
- MA Rep. Gerry Studds, filthy Democrat - PEDERAST CHILD MOLESTER
- WA Sen. Brock Adams, filthy Democrat - RAPIST, SERIAL SEXUAL BATTERER
- TX Rep. John Young, filthy Democrat - SEXUAL HARASSER
- MS Rep. John Hinson, filthy Democrat - LIKES BATHROOMS IN THE SAME WAY LARRY CRAIG (R-ID) DOES, not that there's anything wrong with that (o.O), but the far-left liberal talking point spewer likes to bring up Larry Craig, so there you go.
- CA Rep. Ernie Konnyu, filthy Democrat - SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER
- CA Rep. Jim Bates, filthy Democrat - SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER
- I have HUNDREDS of examples, and that's just the ones I have found in the 15 minutes of research and sourcing that I did.
I fully expect to see the typical hypocritical far-left liberals begin slut-shaming the victims here, asserting that the victims are "trailer-trash" and are probably liars, etc., (Clinton era, anyone?) because not only is the filthy Democrat party the party of hate, racism, and sexual batterers and harassers, they are also the party of misogyny. Better yet, let's watch them come up with their own list of so-called "Republicans" that have committed these kinds of atrocities, and I bet half of their list is composed of rotten individuals who far-lefters only ASSUME would be Republicans (Boy Scout leaders, priests, etc.) When I say "their own list", I really mean the list already made by a filthy liberal blogger that they copy and paste of 50+ so-called "Republicans" that are sickos, or have been accused of being one. The far-left liberal doesn't understand that those types of abusers are more than likely a registered Democrat, members of the BSA and the Catholic church having a "conservative" reputation (Father Michael Pfleger, anyone?), notwithstanding. Furthermore, my list is comprised of Democrat
leaders that hold national or statewide office, and not some anecdotal list of BSA leaders, local councilman, parish priest, etc.
In conclusion, to you far-left, DNC playbook-regurgitating hypocrites, the Republican party having their occasional sicko within their ranks notwithstanding, keep projecting your own shortcomings onto others to call attention away from the dastardly shame that filthy Democrats in power bring to themselves. You continue to make yourself a big, fat target to mock and ridicule. You're so deaf and blind with hatred of anything not Democrat, you don't see most normal people pointing at you, nor do you hear them laughing at you when you make these easily deconstructed arguments.