Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rachel Maddow: The Dumbest Person on TV

Hypocrite plagiarizer,
Rachel Maddow

The smarmy, pretentious, sanctimonious, hypocritical, MS-NBC bomb-throwing thief, Maddow, continues to demonstrate that she, in fact, is the absolute dumbest person on TV, without question. I strongly advise Maddow to petition the universities of Oxford and Stanford and demand a refund of her tuition.

She is so stupid, she can't even muster up enough intellectual fortitude to use her own material. If one were to turn off the audio on MS-NBC, and block the top 80% of the screen, viewing just the Closed Captions, you wouldn't be able to tell which far-left, kook-fringe, radical, extremist hypocrite was parroting the DNC-playbook talking points. Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, Ezra Klein, Melissa Harris-Perry, Ed Schultz, etc. They all spew the same hate-speech over and over AND OVER again, and they never have an original thought.

You don't think Maddow is a complete and utter idiot? Ask fellow pretentious, liberal windbag, Michael Rodgers, and what he thinks about Maddow's lack of creativity in her ... AHEM! ... "journalism". 

Not enough evidence? Then, ask Occumoron Wall Street protester, Peter Brauer, whose video was lifted by the smarmy, walking, talking DNC-playbook machine that is Maddow.

Or ask this guy.

Peter Brauer
What's worse is that this filthy hypocrite uses her platform at MS-NBC, with their 14 viewers that they get on a daily basis, as a sounding board for throwing plagiarism accusations at Rand Paul, the fact that Paul credited his source in the same speech, notwithstanding. Never has Justin Bieber's doppelganger given credit to Rodgers for stealing his material, nor any of the other victims of her theft.

When one has no intellect, they must take it from others and credit themselves. According to The New Republic, the far-left, liberal magazine founded by uber-lib of former Crossfire fame, Michael Kinsley, and currently headed by that filthy, hate spewing, intolerant, extremist piece of garbage Facebook Co-founder, Chris Hughes, Maddow is "A textbook example of the intellectual limitations of a perfectly settled perspective." - DC's Most Overrated Thinkers column, 11.3.2011

Most likely took a cue from one Joseph Biden, the master plagiarizer himself.  Biden ... the dumbest man to ever serve in the Senate, much less the White House.

At least Maddow, at one point, had her looks to fall back on (pictured right), but enough about 1991. She has devolved into a useful idiot for the DNC, and doesn't even look good doing it. What a shame.

The Democrat Party: The Party of Hatred and Hypocrisy ... and apparently of plagiarism, as well.

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