Sunday, December 8, 2013
History: The Democrat Party - The Party of Liars
POTUS Barack Obama. h/t Dan from Squirrel Hill [link]
History: The Democrat Party - The Party of Racists
Minnesota State Rep. Ryan Winkler doesn't think calling SCOTUS Associate Justice Clarence Thomas "Uncle Thomas" was offensive. h/t Twitchy [link]
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Not Presidential Disasters, but Disasters that are Presidents.
The top two disasters are of no surprise.
Embarassing - ThinkProgress fans
is such a radical, kook-fringe, extremist, partisan hack website, and
why Center for American Progress (you know, that criminal front group)
officials, including their filthy founder, John Podesta, haven't been
shackled and perp-walked yet is beyond me. I see people "share" TP's
kook-fringe stuff, and I shake my head, as if these hacks have some sort of objectivity credibility. It's as bad as someone posting
Rush Limbaugh quotes.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Democrat Party: The Party of Conformity ... OR ELSE.
There's ideology ... there's partisanship ... there's party loyalty ...
... and, then there's what the Democrat Party and its members have:
Pure hatred for anyone and anything even perceived as non-Democrat.
A simple instance of vocal support for a non-Democrat gets you blistered, insulted, and threatened by the left.
Melissa Joan-Hart
Upon tweeting that she was voting for a non-Democrat for President in 2012, she describes the reaction she received:
"It is like a blacklist. It's a little scary," she said in an interview discussing the hate and intolerance toward one who is dares to wander off of the DNC plantation.
Stacey Dash
Upon tweeting that she was voting for a non-Democrat for President in 2012, she received the following responses:
Actor/Director/Big Lib Ron Howard's brother, Clint Howard, asserts the dangerous of nonconformance, "I came out of the closet. In Hollywood, I certainly understand that's dangerous."
The Democrat Party ... The Party of Hate and Intolerance.
... and, then there's what the Democrat Party and its members have:
Pure hatred for anyone and anything even perceived as non-Democrat.
A simple instance of vocal support for a non-Democrat gets you blistered, insulted, and threatened by the left.
Melissa Joan-Hart
Upon tweeting that she was voting for a non-Democrat for President in 2012, she describes the reaction she received:
See [video] on the Huffington Compost.“I got called every name in the book, that they hope I die, and that they hope my children are gay, which is somehow supposed to be some sort of punishment. The hate was really unbelievable just from that simple tweet. Just by saying I was voting.”
"It is like a blacklist. It's a little scary," she said in an interview discussing the hate and intolerance toward one who is dares to wander off of the DNC plantation.
Stacey Dash
Upon tweeting that she was voting for a non-Democrat for President in 2012, she received the following responses:
"... you get a lil [sic] money and you forget that you're black and a woman ..."
“This hurts but you a Romney lover and you slutting yourself to the white man only proves why no black man married u” - Mr. Yeah.
"... voting for white supremacy...""... [you're just] white with a dark tan ...""kill yourself" - William R. Ellis (@WilliamEllisPhD) [dead link, because this coward deleted his tweet after backlash]"Kill yourself" - Cravin Moorehead @ChicagoGee
"She's an indoor slave" - Sherrick W @simplyshers [h/t Twitchy]
"So Stacy [sic] Dash buck tooth ass really voting for Romney!! Bitch you black and Mexican..." - @Bambi_Dion
"I wanna throw her in a volcano" - @shaggieshapiro
"ol fake black ass voting for mitt Romney..." - @NKikiGotit
"Oreo cookie bitch" - @BitchUnmuteME
"Weak ass no acting ass ... U can't never come back over here! You's a house nigga now" - @__BRAT_
“Stacey Dash know she gwan be a house slave. She not trying to sit with the cotton pickers.”
“Stacey Dash know she gwan be a house slave. She not trying to sit with the cotton pickers.”
"[Stacey Dash] really does act like a house negro" - +Reeta H.There are thousands more demonstrations of these leftist hypocrites spewing their hate and intolerance of Stacey Dash by the Democrat Party. The irony: These same fools are the usual suspects that scream and whine "tolerance".
Actor/Director/Big Lib Ron Howard's brother, Clint Howard, asserts the dangerous of nonconformance, "I came out of the closet. In Hollywood, I certainly understand that's dangerous."
The Democrat Party ... The Party of Hate and Intolerance.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Rachel Maddow: The Dumbest Person on TV
![]() | |
Hypocrite plagiarizer, Rachel Maddow |
She is so stupid, she can't even muster up enough intellectual fortitude to use her own material. If one were to turn off the audio on MS-NBC, and block the top 80% of the screen, viewing just the Closed Captions, you wouldn't be able to tell which far-left, kook-fringe, radical, extremist hypocrite was parroting the DNC-playbook talking points. Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, Ezra Klein, Melissa Harris-Perry, Ed Schultz, etc. They all spew the same hate-speech over and over AND OVER again, and they never have an original thought.

Not enough evidence? Then, ask Occumoron Wall Street protester, Peter Brauer, whose video was lifted by the smarmy, walking, talking DNC-playbook machine that is Maddow.
Or ask this guy.
Peter Brauer

When one has no intellect, they must take it from others and credit themselves. According to The New Republic, the far-left, liberal magazine founded by uber-lib of former Crossfire fame, Michael Kinsley, and currently headed by that filthy, hate spewing, intolerant, extremist piece of garbage Facebook Co-founder, Chris Hughes, Maddow is "A textbook example of the intellectual limitations of a perfectly settled perspective." - DC's Most Overrated Thinkers column, 11.3.2011

Most likely took a cue from one Joseph Biden, the master plagiarizer himself. Biden ... the dumbest man to ever serve in the Senate, much less the White House.
At least Maddow, at one point, had her looks to fall back on (pictured right), but enough about 1991. She has devolved into a useful idiot for the DNC, and doesn't even look good doing it. What a shame.
The Democrat Party: The Party of Hatred and Hypocrisy ... and apparently of plagiarism, as well.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Democrat Party: The Party of the Guillotine

According to Lifton, cults "tend to be associated with a charismatic leader, thought reform, and exploitation of members. Among the methods of thought reform commonly used by cults are milieu control, mystical manipulation, the demand for purity, a cult of confession, sacred science, loading the language, doctrine over person, and dispensing of existence."

A striking resemblance to and an indictment of the Democrat Party's milieu control and the conformity of their worshipers ... er ... voters.
Much like contemporary, foreign adversaries of the United States, the Democrat Party (hereinafter referred to as "the Cult") are increasingly outward and public about their desire to inflict actual physical injury, even death, upon those who dare to oppose them or their titular head, Lord Obama.

In the Post-Bush social media age, the Cult have become emboldened and brazen in their openness with their abject hatred and desire for physical harm to opponents. For one to witness an exposé of tantrum-throwing, hate-riddled calls for death/dismemberment, look no further than those groups that have the word "Democrat" contained within their moniker.
This Obama-worshiper decides that pulling a gun on anti-Obama protesters was a fantastic idea. No, I don't care how old the man is.
These degenerate Obama supporters threw what was described as "liquid" that "burned" at a group of anti-Obama protesters (read: exercising their Constitutional right to free speech ... you know, the same First Amendment that is supposedly the Holy Grail of the left). The victim of the attack stated, "I felt it on my foot... it burned". The victims also stated that moments earlier, other degenerate Obama supporters threatened to kill them as they were driving by.
Allow me to digress for a moment ... why the hell do Democrats love the guillotine so much? Just curious.
These degenerate Obama supporters threw what was described as "liquid" that "burned" at a group of anti-Obama protesters (read: exercising their Constitutional right to free speech ... you know, the same First Amendment that is supposedly the Holy Grail of the left). The victim of the attack stated, "I felt it on my foot... it burned". The victims also stated that moments earlier, other degenerate Obama supporters threatened to kill them as they were driving by.
Allow me to digress for a moment ... why the hell do Democrats love the guillotine so much? Just curious.
Segue ...
It took less than 4 seconds to me find this hateful demonstration, a post from the Facebook group that is actually quite honest with their intent, because their intent is in their name: "Armed Democrats" ...
Notice the 371 instances of their threatening and hostile message being willfully and voluntarily shared by other Cult members.
Sorry, DNC sycophants, rational people do not buy your silly claims that this applies solely to the "1%", as your hatred applies to anyone and anything within six degrees of separation, it seems.
As if this bold, provocative guillotine meme wasn't enough of a hate beacon, the following were augmentations of hate in the thread:
Mission Statement of the hateful Democrats:
If you disagree with us, then you deserve to die.
The Democrat Party: The Party of Hatred ... and apparently the Party of killing off people who oppose them, as well.

Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Party of Greed
The Democrat Party ... the Party of Greed.
Titular Head of the House Democrats, former Speaker of the House, Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi.
Poor Stretch wants us to feel sorry for her if her annual $175,000+ Congressional Pay gets touched. [initial source link here]
Okay, Stretch ... you mean this job that you're doing at an 8.4% approval rating? You want to be REWARDED for your dismal performance? Try THAT in the private sector, Stretch ... oh ... wait ... you're not familiar with the private sector ... never mind.
Although Stretch isn't familiar with the private sector, her rich, one-percenter, corrupt, crony-capitalist, husband sure is. Looooooves those land deals, he does.
Stretch's net worth? $26 Million as of 2012, and it jumped 62% from 2009 to 2010 ALONE.
You will notice in Roll Call's Richest 50 list of 2012, that 7 of the top 10 richest Congress members are Democrats.
I swear, you couldn't make this stuff up if you wanted.
Titular Head of the House Democrats, former Speaker of the House, Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi.
Poor Stretch wants us to feel sorry for her if her annual $175,000+ Congressional Pay gets touched. [initial source link here]
"I think it's necessary for us to have the dignity of
the job that we have rewarded".
the job that we have rewarded".
- Nancy Pelosi, 2.15.13, in response to impending Obama Sequestration budget cuts.
Okay, Stretch ... you mean this job that you're doing at an 8.4% approval rating? You want to be REWARDED for your dismal performance? Try THAT in the private sector, Stretch ... oh ... wait ... you're not familiar with the private sector ... never mind.
Although Stretch isn't familiar with the private sector, her rich, one-percenter, corrupt, crony-capitalist, husband sure is. Looooooves those land deals, he does.
Stretch's net worth? $26 Million as of 2012, and it jumped 62% from 2009 to 2010 ALONE.
You will notice in Roll Call's Richest 50 list of 2012, that 7 of the top 10 richest Congress members are Democrats.
I swear, you couldn't make this stuff up if you wanted.
The Racist Democrats of Yesterday are Today's Republicans? LMAO!
Bob Parks, could you kindly educate these ignorant, left-wing extremists, please? The far-left keep projecting their dastardly, racist past onto others, so they feel a little less ashamed and guilty about their own inherent racism. Losing an argument? Accuse others for the things that you have done and continue to do as a detract-and-confuse mechanism.
Francis Rice, Chairwoman of the NBRA, could you reveal to the left just how intellectually inept their silly "party-switching" arguments are? Please, and thank you.
If one were to use that false premise as the standard, then these same ignorant people making the party-switch assertion are asserting that the following racists would be Republicans today:
The far-left's modus operandi is to bring up one idiot out of a crowd of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, and then assign the motivations of that one idiot to the entire crowd (see Vets' March on DC and the Rebel Flag waver). The conflation of one idiot's actions with the intent and purpose of everyone standing within 500 feet of the idiot is boilerplate process in which the left engage. One radical lefty gets an idea, and the mainstream media, like the Washington Post, pick up the ball and run with that idea.
The left always retreat to bringing up the same three anecdotes, as if these three anecdotes are some sort of incontrovertible proof that validates their weak and easily deconstructed arguments.
1. Former Dixiecrat, Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
We all know the history of the racist Democrat Party, and their hatred of minorities. I detailed a bit of it in my May 2013 article.
Bob Parks has a thorough timeline on the two Parties' history on racism and race relations.
The left argue that their racist roots died long ago. If that were the case, look who they still support and consider one of their most beloved heroes (that ugly racist standing on the cart without the sheet on her head, pictured to the right) with their undying love and with what can be considered a religious devotion. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, a devout RACIST and eugenics enthusiast that cavorted with Nazi-like racists like Lothrop Stoddard and Dr. Harry Laughlin.
Party switching? If that was the case, then why does the lefty-loving website,, report that Democrats have garnered more than 65% of the black vote every election since 1936? If the parties switched in the 1960s, does this mean that blacks actually voted for Republicans from 1936 to 1964? The left's stupid arguments implode into themselves with facts.
The Democrat Party ... the Party of racism and hatred ... and apparently, psychological projection, as well.
Bob Parks, could you kindly educate these ignorant, left-wing extremists, please? The far-left keep projecting their dastardly, racist past onto others, so they feel a little less ashamed and guilty about their own inherent racism. Losing an argument? Accuse others for the things that you have done and continue to do as a detract-and-confuse mechanism.
Francis Rice, Chairwoman of the NBRA, could you reveal to the left just how intellectually inept their silly "party-switching" arguments are? Please, and thank you.
If one were to use that false premise as the standard, then these same ignorant people making the party-switch assertion are asserting that the following racists would be Republicans today:
1. President Woodrow Wilson, racist DemocratCan one even contend that ANY of these would be a Republican today and not get absolutely laughed out of the room?
2. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, racist Democrat
3. President John F. Kennedy, racist Democrat
4. President Lyndon B. Johnson, racist Democrat
5. Senate Majority Leader, Robert Byrd, racist Democrat
6. Senator Al Gore, Sr., racist Democrat
7. William Fulbright, racist Democrat.
3,816,475. John Calhoun, Father of the Democrat Party, racist Democrat
The far-left's modus operandi is to bring up one idiot out of a crowd of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, and then assign the motivations of that one idiot to the entire crowd (see Vets' March on DC and the Rebel Flag waver). The conflation of one idiot's actions with the intent and purpose of everyone standing within 500 feet of the idiot is boilerplate process in which the left engage. One radical lefty gets an idea, and the mainstream media, like the Washington Post, pick up the ball and run with that idea.
The left always retreat to bringing up the same three anecdotes, as if these three anecdotes are some sort of incontrovertible proof that validates their weak and easily deconstructed arguments.
1. Former Dixiecrat, Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
His work in ensuring members of the lynch mob who killed Willie Earle in 1947 were arrested, notwithstanding, Thurmond is probably the best (only?) case for an argument that a Republican "leader" was a filthy racist. His racism is documented and undeniable. 150 years of the Republican Party - one example.2. David Duke (R-LA)
... although, in not one single instance have I ever seen anyone bringing up David Duke (as proof that racism is an institutionalized belief in the Republican Party) ever mention that Duke was a life-long Democrat, and only switched parties in 1989 after his unsuccessful campaign as a 1983. Nixon's "Southern Strategy"8 Democrat Party Presidential candidate. As a Republican, he had not received a shred of support from the GOP establishment, and he had only won political office once, elected as a LA State House Rep. in 1989, defeating another Republican, John Treen, 8,459 votes to 8,232. One could make the argument that 8,459 people that live in the suburbs of the 81st State Congressional District in New Orleans are racist for voting for this nutcase, but that's about as far as one could make the stretch that the GOP, as a whole, is inherently racist. You will also notice that there were no Democrat candidates running in this race, so for all we know, those 8,459 votes could have been cast by racist Democrats.
... do you mean the same "South" that propelled Jimmy Carter (D-GA) to victory in 1976, and Bill Clinton (D-AR) to victory in 1992 and 1996? You mean THAT South? Not a very good "strategy" if you ask me, and most likely the reason only a few nutjobs adopted it, and why the Republican establishment abandoned it outright not long after its inception.They continue to trot out the same, tired, insipid THREE anecdotal examples of high-profile Republicans that were or are racists, yet, ignore the THOUSANDS of documented historical examples of the filthy racist tendencies of the Democrat Party of both yesterday, and today. Again, that's high-profile, not high-ranking, as is the case for demonstrating the racist tendencies of the Democrat Party, i.e. Presidents and Majority Leaders. See list above if you've forgotten already.
We all know the history of the racist Democrat Party, and their hatred of minorities. I detailed a bit of it in my May 2013 article.
Bob Parks has a thorough timeline on the two Parties' history on racism and race relations.

Party switching? If that was the case, then why does the lefty-loving website,, report that Democrats have garnered more than 65% of the black vote every election since 1936? If the parties switched in the 1960s, does this mean that blacks actually voted for Republicans from 1936 to 1964? The left's stupid arguments implode into themselves with facts.
The Democrat Party ... the Party of racism and hatred ... and apparently, psychological projection, as well.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
MS-NBC Hypocrisy: Exhibit 291,981,571
In another SMDH moment, as if the following is a surprise, the insane, left-wing, extremist hypocrites on MS-NBC are at it again. Today, we highlight the hypocrisy of hate-talker, Michael Dyson, an ad-hoc fill-in for his hate-talk simp MS-NBC pal, Ed Schultz.
Dyson starts off the Ed Show with a segment on how a few Republicans are making comparisons between the Affordable Care Act with slavery, and how dastardly such a comparison is. Dyson then goes on a two-minute tirade on those awful, racist Republicans for making such a ridiculous assertion. One's agreement or disagreement with this comparison aside, this post is about MS-NBC and the reactions of their pathetically low ratings, left-wing, hate-spewing line up to the comparison, and how colossally hypocritical of a profound magnitude this conga line of hate-talkers is.
As you continue below, you will clearly see that I did NOT include any of the thousands of documented and reported remarks/actions by anyone who is insignificant (MSNBC talk show hosts, bloggers, that one moron waving rebel flag in front of White House, etc.) like the left always like to do when making a point about the opposition's party/events. The left cherry pick one insignificant moron out of a crowd of thousands, then assign that idiot's intent to the entire event (see: Rebel flag at WWII Veterans March). The kook-fringe DNC-types' penchant to cherry pick, then overgeneralize would normally be pretty damned funny, but there are many (I'd say 47%) a bit weak in the intellectual area that become easily persuaded by arguments not reinforced with much fact, and subsequently, those same lemmings attempt to engage you in a discussion, using those false premises as arguments. Irritating, really. I digress ...
Just so we are all clear: According to the DNC and their hate-talk, lunatic, kook-fringe sycophants at MS-NBC,
Comparing the elements of the ACA, forcing citizens to purchase a product or get a portion of their assets seized with the threat of imprisonment to SLAVERY?
Comparing the House Republicans actually doing the job most of their constituents voted them in to do (defund Obamacare), completely adhering to the U.S. Constitution, Article I - Sections 7-9, Article IV - Section 3, and Amendment 14 to:
According to a (Obama's official Presidential Website), over 3,000 digital signatures have been gathered for a petition to "Designate the Republican party a terrorist organization, since repeatedly threatening to default on the full faith and credit of the United States over and over again every time you don't get what you want is essentially economic terrorism."
"You don’t negotiate by putting a gun to the other person’s head, or worse yet by putting a gun to the American people’s head by threatening a shutdown"
- President Barack Obama, 10.3.13, Rockville, MD Presser [video]
"The debt ceiling is not something that should be used as a gun against the head of the American people ..."
- President Barack Obama, 7.6.11 (Yeah, he's been saying this one for YEARS), CNN Newsroom [video]
"We will not go to conference with a gun to our head."
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), 9.30.13, Senate Floor [video]
"... The tea party [doesn't] say we’re against government, but that’s what it amounts to ...
anarchists." - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Floor

As you continue below, you will clearly see that I did NOT include any of the thousands of documented and reported remarks/actions by anyone who is insignificant (MSNBC talk show hosts, bloggers, that one moron waving rebel flag in front of White House, etc.) like the left always like to do when making a point about the opposition's party/events. The left cherry pick one insignificant moron out of a crowd of thousands, then assign that idiot's intent to the entire event (see: Rebel flag at WWII Veterans March). The kook-fringe DNC-types' penchant to cherry pick, then overgeneralize would normally be pretty damned funny, but there are many (I'd say 47%) a bit weak in the intellectual area that become easily persuaded by arguments not reinforced with much fact, and subsequently, those same lemmings attempt to engage you in a discussion, using those false premises as arguments. Irritating, really. I digress ...
Just so we are all clear: According to the DNC and their hate-talk, lunatic, kook-fringe sycophants at MS-NBC,
Comparing the elements of the ACA, forcing citizens to purchase a product or get a portion of their assets seized with the threat of imprisonment to SLAVERY?
Comparing the House Republicans actually doing the job most of their constituents voted them in to do (defund Obamacare), completely adhering to the U.S. Constitution, Article I - Sections 7-9, Article IV - Section 3, and Amendment 14 to:
Perfectly okay.
"[Americans will only be able to return to work] when Republicans realize they don't get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands." - President Barack Obama, 10.1.13, Rose Garden [video]
"[Americans will only be able to return to work] when Republicans realize they don't get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands." - President Barack Obama, 10.1.13, Rose Garden [video]
"Speaker Boehner, the House Republicans, thought that they could get
leverage in budget negotiations – or defund the Affordable Care Act:
Obamacare – by taking us to the brink and essentially trying to hold the
entire U.S. economy hostage" - President Barack Obama, 10.9.13, WTVR-6 Interview [video]
"Our Republican colleagues are at it again, holding the economy hostage..."
- Rep. David Price (D-NC), 9.30.13, House Floor [video]
- Rep. David Price (D-NC), 9.30.13, House Floor [video]
"House leaders responded [with] ... a jaw-dropping list of ransom demands ... " - The New York Times "Editorial Board" (we all know it's YOU, Andrew Rosenthal, you filthy coward), 8.2.13, NY Times
"Are Republicans finally ready to stop holding our economy hostage?" - House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer (D-MD), ?.?.13, article
"There's no better analogy for this extreme tactic than that of the hostage taker. "
"They [the Republicans] should stop [holding] ... cancer patients hostage."
- The South Florida Squawking Poodle, DNC Spokesidiot, 10.3.13, CNN Newsroom [video]
(472 other examples not shown here)
Perfectly fine.
[CA Republican House Rep.] "... was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care." - Rep. George Miller (D-CA), 10.3.13, House Floor [video]
was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care.
he was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care
"... the President's message was that he would not negotiate with fiscal terrorists." - David Rothkopf, CEO & Editor-at-large, Foreign Policy lefty trash rag magazine, 1.15.13,
"What we’re not for [is] negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest."
- Sr. WH Adviser Dan Pfeifer, CNN [video]
According to a (Obama's official Presidential Website), over 3,000 digital signatures have been gathered for a petition to "Designate the Republican party a terrorist organization, since repeatedly threatening to default on the full faith and credit of the United States over and over again every time you don't get what you want is essentially economic terrorism."
Excellent comparison.
"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house." - President Barack Obama, 10.8.13, WH Presser [video]
"Do not threaten to burn the house down ..." - President Barack Obama, 9.27.13,
"Legislative arsonists are at work" - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Presser [video]
“I call them legislative arsonists.”
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), CNN interview with Candy Crowly [video]
"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house." - President Barack Obama, 10.8.13, WH Presser [video]
"Do not threaten to burn the house down ..." - President Barack Obama, 9.27.13,
"Legislative arsonists are at work" - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Presser [video]
“I call them legislative arsonists.”
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), CNN interview with Candy Crowly [video]
"Burning down the House" - Headline, New York Daily News, 8.1.13
Absolutely appropriate.
"You don’t negotiate by putting a gun to the other person’s head, or worse yet by putting a gun to the American people’s head by threatening a shutdown"
- President Barack Obama, 10.3.13, Rockville, MD Presser [video]
"The debt ceiling is not something that should be used as a gun against the head of the American people ..."
- President Barack Obama, 7.6.11 (Yeah, he's been saying this one for YEARS), CNN Newsroom [video]
"We will not go to conference with a gun to our head."
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), 9.30.13, Senate Floor [video]
That's good, too.
"I never questioned, never questioned the fact that Republicans ... love this country, but I have to say, when you start acting like you're
committing domestic abuse, you've got a problem."
"Republicans fit the profile of a classic abuser"
- Headline, article by a very stupid individual, Washington Examiner Contributor, 8.1.11
(okay, so I used *one* insignificant, worthless NOBODY.)
(okay, so I used *one* insignificant, worthless NOBODY.)
Why, of course! It's George W. Bush's fault, and you teabaggers are racist. Duh!
"The Tea Party are no more popular than the Klan"
- Rep. Alan Grayson (R-FL), 10.21.13, MSNBC interview [video]
"... if the hood fits ..."
- Rep. Alan Grayson (R-FL), when asked if he defends his remarks. [link]
"[Debating the debt ceiling issue] ought to be banned as a weapon' like 'nuclear bombs, too horrible to use." - Filthy Rich One-percenter Billionaire, Warren Buffet, 10.4.13, Fortune interview [video]
"... The tea party [doesn't] say we’re against government, but that’s what it amounts to ...
anarchists." - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Floor
"We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over..."
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), 9.12.13, Senate Floor [video]
"They are blackmailing the country", Jerold Nadler (D-NY)
I'm getting kind of tired of listening to the far-left whine like sissies about the "tone", when they are the one who continually set it and ramp it up.
The Democrat Party ... the party of hypocrisy and hate.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
MS-NBC: Chris Hayes' Twin?
Hayes says that there is a “growing consensus” that the nation’s law of the land is “fatally flawed,” and therefore we should look to European style parliamentary government used by other “democracies” [sic] for guidance on how to run the most powerful and prosperous country in world history”.
... and MS-NBC wonders why their pathetic network's ratings drop by 20% when I alone shut off my Television.
(Mr.) Big-talking Hollywood Racist, Chris Noth

I'd challenge the overpaid pansy, Chris Noth to a sanctioned, regulated bout, but I could get arrested for abusing the elderly, as that pompous, has-been (never-was?) is pushing 60. I'd make him sign a waiver before the bout.
This guy thinks he's pretty. He's a narcissist of the highest order, just like his self-loving character on that show (can't remember what it's called, but I *do* recall it's apparently takes place in the city). According to my friend, Diane, who is a fan of his and of his show, he isn't really that good-looking, and I quote,
"He's just a sexy kind of ugly."
This piece of Hollywood trash uses a racially-toned torture method to describe what he wants done to those who don't agree with him and his filthy DNC, kook-fringe, extremist ilk as seen here in this Twitter link.
![]() |
Exhibit 5,381,729,213 of the "tolerant" left. |
I'm thinking this guy is a filthy racist. I think that he saying that this should happen to Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), Mia Love (R-UT), Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Dr. Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Alan Keyes, etc. etc. WHY DOES CHRIS NOTH REALLY HATE BLACK PEOPLE SO MUCH SO THAT HE IS CALLING TO HAVE THEM HORSEWHIPPED LIKE 19TH-CENTURY SLAVES ? Doesn't this filthy racist realize that the Democrat-led Jim Crow Law days are over, or that the Democrat-Party creation called the Ku Klux Klan are a thing of the past, or that slavery has been abolished, and that this treatment of our black brothers and sisters stopped, and for good reason?
Look at just some examples of the "tolerant" left on this piece of trash, far-left, radical, extremist, kook-fringe, and apparently RACIST website,, in response to the racist Chris Noth's horsewhipping diatribe:
Seriously, there are DOZENS of examples in the comments section on this article of threats and desire of physical violence against ALL of those who do not fall in line with the far-left. I only chose these because they were in one nice, neat, contiguous block that fit on the screen. At least these people are actually putting out in the public what we all know most of the far-left are thinking and wanting. And, NO, I will not block out their name without a court order. If you spew garbage, you should own it.
The filthy, extremist, RACIST, far-left Democrat Party ... the REAL party of racism, hatred ... and apparently, also advocates of torture against black people for simply disagreeing with them.
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