As you continue below, you will clearly see that I did NOT include any of the thousands of documented and reported remarks/actions by anyone who is insignificant (MSNBC talk show hosts, bloggers, that one moron waving rebel flag in front of White House, etc.) like the left always like to do when making a point about the opposition's party/events. The left cherry pick one insignificant moron out of a crowd of thousands, then assign that idiot's intent to the entire event (see: Rebel flag at WWII Veterans March). The kook-fringe DNC-types' penchant to cherry pick, then overgeneralize would normally be pretty damned funny, but there are many (I'd say 47%) a bit weak in the intellectual area that become easily persuaded by arguments not reinforced with much fact, and subsequently, those same lemmings attempt to engage you in a discussion, using those false premises as arguments. Irritating, really. I digress ...
Just so we are all clear: According to the DNC and their hate-talk, lunatic, kook-fringe sycophants at MS-NBC,
Comparing the elements of the ACA, forcing citizens to purchase a product or get a portion of their assets seized with the threat of imprisonment to SLAVERY?
Comparing the House Republicans actually doing the job most of their constituents voted them in to do (defund Obamacare), completely adhering to the U.S. Constitution, Article I - Sections 7-9, Article IV - Section 3, and Amendment 14 to:
Perfectly okay.
"[Americans will only be able to return to work] when Republicans realize they don't get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands." - President Barack Obama, 10.1.13, Rose Garden [video]
"[Americans will only be able to return to work] when Republicans realize they don't get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands." - President Barack Obama, 10.1.13, Rose Garden [video]
"Speaker Boehner, the House Republicans, thought that they could get
leverage in budget negotiations – or defund the Affordable Care Act:
Obamacare – by taking us to the brink and essentially trying to hold the
entire U.S. economy hostage" - President Barack Obama, 10.9.13, WTVR-6 Interview [video]
"Our Republican colleagues are at it again, holding the economy hostage..."
- Rep. David Price (D-NC), 9.30.13, House Floor [video]
- Rep. David Price (D-NC), 9.30.13, House Floor [video]
"House leaders responded [with] ... a jaw-dropping list of ransom demands ... " - The New York Times "Editorial Board" (we all know it's YOU, Andrew Rosenthal, you filthy coward), 8.2.13, NY Times
"Are Republicans finally ready to stop holding our economy hostage?" - House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer (D-MD), ?.?.13, democraticwhip.gov article
"There's no better analogy for this extreme tactic than that of the hostage taker. "
"They [the Republicans] should stop [holding] ... cancer patients hostage."
- The South Florida Squawking Poodle, DNC Spokesidiot, 10.3.13, CNN Newsroom [video]
(472 other examples not shown here)
Perfectly fine.
[CA Republican House Rep.] "... was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care." - Rep. George Miller (D-CA), 10.3.13, House Floor [video]
was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/dems-call-gop-jihadists-arsonists-terrorists/#U1cXDPgxY7gi7k1u.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/dems-call-gop-jihadists-arsonists-terrorists/#U1cXDPgxY7gi7k1u.99
he was on the jihad against American citizens getting access to health care
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/dems-call-gop-jihadists-arsonists-terrorists/#U1cXDPgxY7gi7k1u.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/dems-call-gop-jihadists-arsonists-terrorists/#U1cXDPgxY7gi7k1u.99
"... the President's message was that he would not negotiate with fiscal terrorists." - David Rothkopf, CEO & Editor-at-large, Foreign Policy lefty trash rag magazine, 1.15.13, CNN.com
"What we’re not for [is] negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest."
- Sr. WH Adviser Dan Pfeifer, CNN [video]
According to a whitehouse.gov (Obama's official Presidential Website), over 3,000 digital signatures have been gathered for a petition to "Designate the Republican party a terrorist organization, since repeatedly threatening to default on the full faith and credit of the United States over and over again every time you don't get what you want is essentially economic terrorism."
Excellent comparison.
"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house." - President Barack Obama, 10.8.13, WH Presser [video]
"Do not threaten to burn the house down ..." - President Barack Obama, 9.27.13, NPR.com
"Legislative arsonists are at work" - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Presser [video]
“I call them legislative arsonists.”
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), CNN interview with Candy Crowly [video]
"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house." - President Barack Obama, 10.8.13, WH Presser [video]
"Do not threaten to burn the house down ..." - President Barack Obama, 9.27.13, NPR.com
"Legislative arsonists are at work" - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Presser [video]
“I call them legislative arsonists.”
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), CNN interview with Candy Crowly [video]
"Burning down the House" - Headline, New York Daily News, 8.1.13
Absolutely appropriate.
"You don’t negotiate by putting a gun to the other person’s head, or worse yet by putting a gun to the American people’s head by threatening a shutdown"
- President Barack Obama, 10.3.13, Rockville, MD Presser [video]
"The debt ceiling is not something that should be used as a gun against the head of the American people ..."
- President Barack Obama, 7.6.11 (Yeah, he's been saying this one for YEARS), CNN Newsroom [video]
"We will not go to conference with a gun to our head."
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), 9.30.13, Senate Floor [video]
That's good, too.
"I never questioned, never questioned the fact that Republicans ... love this country, but I have to say, when you start acting like you're
committing domestic abuse, you've got a problem."
"Republicans fit the profile of a classic abuser"
- Headline, article by a very stupid individual, Washington Examiner Contributor, 8.1.11
(okay, so I used *one* insignificant, worthless NOBODY.)
(okay, so I used *one* insignificant, worthless NOBODY.)
Why, of course! It's George W. Bush's fault, and you teabaggers are racist. Duh!
"The Tea Party are no more popular than the Klan"
- Rep. Alan Grayson (R-FL), 10.21.13, MSNBC interview [video]
"... if the hood fits ..."
- Rep. Alan Grayson (R-FL), when asked if he defends his remarks. [link]
"[Debating the debt ceiling issue] ought to be banned as a weapon' like 'nuclear bombs, too horrible to use." - Filthy Rich One-percenter Billionaire, Warren Buffet, 10.4.13, Fortune interview [video]
"... The tea party [doesn't] say we’re against government, but that’s what it amounts to ...
anarchists." - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Floor
"We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over..."
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), 9.12.13, Senate Floor [video]
"They are blackmailing the country", Jerold Nadler (D-NY)
I'm getting kind of tired of listening to the far-left whine like sissies about the "tone", when they are the one who continually set it and ramp it up.
The Democrat Party ... the party of hypocrisy and hate.
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