Bob Parks, could you kindly educate these ignorant, left-wing extremists, please? The far-left keep projecting their dastardly, racist past onto others, so they feel a little less ashamed and guilty about their own inherent racism. Losing an argument? Accuse others for the things that you have done and continue to do as a detract-and-confuse mechanism.
Francis Rice, Chairwoman of the NBRA, could you reveal to the left just how intellectually inept their silly "party-switching" arguments are? Please, and thank you.
If one were to use that false premise as the standard, then these same ignorant people making the party-switch assertion are asserting that the following racists would be Republicans today:
1. President Woodrow Wilson, racist DemocratCan one even contend that ANY of these would be a Republican today and not get absolutely laughed out of the room?
2. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, racist Democrat
3. President John F. Kennedy, racist Democrat
4. President Lyndon B. Johnson, racist Democrat
5. Senate Majority Leader, Robert Byrd, racist Democrat
6. Senator Al Gore, Sr., racist Democrat
7. William Fulbright, racist Democrat.
3,816,475. John Calhoun, Father of the Democrat Party, racist Democrat
The far-left's modus operandi is to bring up one idiot out of a crowd of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, and then assign the motivations of that one idiot to the entire crowd (see Vets' March on DC and the Rebel Flag waver). The conflation of one idiot's actions with the intent and purpose of everyone standing within 500 feet of the idiot is boilerplate process in which the left engage. One radical lefty gets an idea, and the mainstream media, like the Washington Post, pick up the ball and run with that idea.
The left always retreat to bringing up the same three anecdotes, as if these three anecdotes are some sort of incontrovertible proof that validates their weak and easily deconstructed arguments.
1. Former Dixiecrat, Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
His work in ensuring members of the lynch mob who killed Willie Earle in 1947 were arrested, notwithstanding, Thurmond is probably the best (only?) case for an argument that a Republican "leader" was a filthy racist. His racism is documented and undeniable. 150 years of the Republican Party - one example.2. David Duke (R-LA)
... although, in not one single instance have I ever seen anyone bringing up David Duke (as proof that racism is an institutionalized belief in the Republican Party) ever mention that Duke was a life-long Democrat, and only switched parties in 1989 after his unsuccessful campaign as a 1983. Nixon's "Southern Strategy"8 Democrat Party Presidential candidate. As a Republican, he had not received a shred of support from the GOP establishment, and he had only won political office once, elected as a LA State House Rep. in 1989, defeating another Republican, John Treen, 8,459 votes to 8,232. One could make the argument that 8,459 people that live in the suburbs of the 81st State Congressional District in New Orleans are racist for voting for this nutcase, but that's about as far as one could make the stretch that the GOP, as a whole, is inherently racist. You will also notice that there were no Democrat candidates running in this race, so for all we know, those 8,459 votes could have been cast by racist Democrats.
... do you mean the same "South" that propelled Jimmy Carter (D-GA) to victory in 1976, and Bill Clinton (D-AR) to victory in 1992 and 1996? You mean THAT South? Not a very good "strategy" if you ask me, and most likely the reason only a few nutjobs adopted it, and why the Republican establishment abandoned it outright not long after its inception.They continue to trot out the same, tired, insipid THREE anecdotal examples of high-profile Republicans that were or are racists, yet, ignore the THOUSANDS of documented historical examples of the filthy racist tendencies of the Democrat Party of both yesterday, and today. Again, that's high-profile, not high-ranking, as is the case for demonstrating the racist tendencies of the Democrat Party, i.e. Presidents and Majority Leaders. See list above if you've forgotten already.
We all know the history of the racist Democrat Party, and their hatred of minorities. I detailed a bit of it in my May 2013 article.
Bob Parks has a thorough timeline on the two Parties' history on racism and race relations.

Party switching? If that was the case, then why does the lefty-loving website,, report that Democrats have garnered more than 65% of the black vote every election since 1936? If the parties switched in the 1960s, does this mean that blacks actually voted for Republicans from 1936 to 1964? The left's stupid arguments implode into themselves with facts.
The Democrat Party ... the Party of racism and hatred ... and apparently, psychological projection, as well.
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