There is only one way we could go into default and have our credit rating affected is if the President ORDERS the Treasury Department to NOT pay the interest on the debt, and such an order would be in violation of the 14th Amendment, Section 4 of the Constitution (hereinafter referred to as 14/4, more on that in a moment). Not only is there NOT going to be a default, (unless the President orders non-payment) the shutdown won't affect the country's credit rating, either (unless the President allows default). I seriously can't understand why some people actually fall for this crap that our "leaders" and media are spewing forth with impunity, thinking we are a bunch of suckers who will just repeat this complete B.S. to our friends and family ... uh ... um .. wait ... never mind.

UPDATE: Why I didn't notice this before is beyond me, but it figures. The "sedition" idiot got the idea from ... wait for it ... wait for it ... MoveOn.org LMAO! You know what they say: Birds of a feather... SMDH.
This is straight-up DNC talking-point excrement of the bull persuasion, and these people making that argument haven't even READ the entire 14th Amendment for themselves, and I will prove that they haven't ...
The very NEXT section, Section 5 of the same Amendment 14 states the following: "The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.", meaning, the raising of the debt limit is not within the scope of enumerated powers that the POTUS has, under ANY circumstances, even a national emergency. These ignorant people just regurgitate DNC/MS-LSD talking points, and don't even bother to read the Constitution to verify if what they are being told by the Daily Show or MotherJones is utter nonsense or not.

I digress. The POTUS and his ilk really need to either:
A) stop lying to everyone and stoking fear into the psyche of the American public for political expedience OR
B) become familiar with the Constitution, not just with the parts that the DNC want you to see.
I must confess that neither are likely to happen.
The U.S. won't, and can't default (unless the Prez makes it happen) anytime soon, and neither the shutdown, nor keeping the debt ceiling at $16.7 trillion will affect our credit rating, so says Moody's, and so says the Constitution.
Don't take my word for it ... see it for yourself, direct from their website, or if you're too busy to register and log in, a screenshot.
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